Indicates the document was originally a plain text
Indicates the document was originally HTML and may contain encapsulated HTML tags. This keyword may be followed by a version number (currently 1).
\ *\htmltag
Keyword indicating that the destination is an encapsulated HTML text (to be ignored by RTF readers, but used during reverse RTF->HTML conversion). This keyword is followed by a numeric parameter containing encapsulation flags.
Toggling keyword to mark pieces of RTF to be ignored during reverse RTF->HTML conversion. Lack of a parameter turns it on, parameter 0 turns it off.
Keyword indicating the destination is an encapsulated tag with rewritten URL links that should be used in a conversion to plain HTML. Typically, URL links are rewritten as automatically generated MHTML reference names, or as absolute external links. The keyword is followed by the flag parameter (same one as for \htmltag keyword).
Placeholder in front of encapsulated MHTML reference name that marks the place where the base URL should be appended. This keyword is only used inside \mhtmltag destination